Old Granny Goose
I can't wait to welcome Me Babbies and Bairns back to the Grand Opera House. But be warned I'm under the not unreasonable delusion that I'm far too young to play a granny!
Berwick Kaler
Why see Old Granny Goose?
a pantomime legend returns!
Berwick Kaler is back at the Grand Opera House with his trusty band of York's panto favorites for a brand new production of classic pantomime fare; Old Granny Goose. With Kaler as Granny and dastardly David Leonard, side-kick Martin Barrass, principal girl' Suzy Cooper and favourite funny man AJ Powell, you'll want to take a gander at this!
A stalwart of York's panto scene, enjoy Kaler's madcap approach to this age-old tale, complete with ribald jokes, hilarious sketches, eye-catching sets, costumes, and of course, a whole coop load of golden eggs!
Customer reviews
Alison Kitchiner
Another evening of silliness